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  • Writer's pictureJacki Tipton

I Guess I'm a Blogger Now?

Updated: May 8, 2018

Welcome to my brand new Travel and Lifestyle Blog! Its a bit daunting taking this step but I hope you'll stick with me while I grow and learn, and hopefully you'll learn some tips and tricks along the way as well.

First, let me introduce myself. Hi!! My name is Jacki and i'm an Aussie currently living and working abroad. I have been traveling consistently for about 8 years now and every time I travel people say to me "I wish I could do that", to which I always ask "Well why don't you?". The answers are always some variation of "I don't have time", or "I can't afford it", or "It's just too far". I know it can seam daunting, and those are all valid concerns, but they shouldn't stop you from chasing your dreams and your bucket list. There are always ways around those problems if you know where to look.

But where do you even start? Sure, one of the easiest and safest ways to travel by using a travel agent. They plan everything for you and you know you are using a reputable source but it is rarely the cheapest way. So do you strike out on your own and take a chance with the vast array of travel sites out there, hoping you haven;t inadvertently stumbled upon a scam or a dangerous trip? Its an intimidating task when you don't know what your doing, and often people will get disheartened by the scope of their task.

"Hi!! My name is Jacki and i'm an Aussie currently living and working abroad. I have been traveling consistently for about 8 years now. I'm taking a chance to follow my dreams, and so should you! I hope you will let me Inspire You To Go! "

It doesn't have to be this way! Throughout my years of travel, and even a short stint working as a Travel Agent, I have learnt so many things about getting the most out of my travel. I love traveling and seeing new and exciting places, and every time I come home and people hear about my travels I get those same "I don't know how" questions and excuses from people with travel stars in their eyes but no guidance to make it happen. They keep saying to me "Jacki, you should write all this info down and help people", but scared me always says "Yeah, Maybe...Someday". Then I realized that I was doing exactly what those travel star struck people were doing. Avoiding following a path because I didn't know how.

So here I am, FINALLY. After circling the idea of a blog for years I have finally decided to take the plunge!

Could I crash and burn...well yes, but I hope not! I hope this will be a learning experience for all of us and a chance for us to Go and grow together. I'm taking a chance to follow my dreams, and so should you! I hope you will let me Inspire You To Go!

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